- Four Default stacks are created by StackSystemInit. User stacks must be created by StackCreate; which may FAIL on insufficient memory.
- Initially a stack has space for 32 items and can/will be grown (auto- matically) in Steps of 16 items as long as there is sufficient memory space. Therefore the maximum ItemSize is 2kB. In the DEBUG version -- NDEBUG not defined during compilation of STACKS.c -- the maximum is actually restricted to 1kB by an assert. A future version may have reduced initial sizes and growth factors for large itemsizes.
- Stacks do NOT decrease in size. Except by complete deletion.
- Pushes fail when the stack is full and the memory resizing fails. The return value indicates this.
- Underflowing Pops return the Stack's bottom value.
- Pushes and Pops do NOT check stack-integrity. Use StackCheck.